
World of Crime



Chapter 1: The CJNG’s Origins

1 – Aguilar Valenzuela, Rubén. Cártel de los Valencia, El Economista, 31 August 2011.

2 – Le Cour Grandmaison, Romain, and Frissard Martinez, Paul. Violent and Vibrant – Mexico’s Avocado Boom and Organized Crime. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, January 2024.

3 – Ibid.

4 – Effects of North American Free Trade Agreement on Agriculture and the Rural Economy, USDA Economic Research Service, 1 July 2002.

5 – Michoacán: desde 1996 se sabía de la presencia del cártel del Milenio, Proceso, 30 August 2003.

6 – Le Cour Grandmaison, Romain, and Frissard Martinez, Paul. Violent and Vibrant – Mexico’s Avocado Boom and Organized Crime. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, January 2024.

7 – Michoacán: desde 1996 se sabía de la presencia del cártel del Milenio, Proceso, 30 August 2003.

8 – Cartel de Juárez desata guerra entre Narcos, Reuters, 30 January 1998.

9 – Ravelo, Ricardo, Los Valencia y su conglomerado criminal, Proceso, 9 December 2007.

10 – DEA History – 2003-2008, US Drug Enforcement Administration, April 2021.

11 – Lemus, J. Jesús, Los malditos 2 : el último infierno, Penguin Random House, 2018.

12 – Ibid.

13 – Marley, David F., Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Bloomsbury, 2019.

14 – Ejecutan a hermano del lider del Cartel de los Valencia, El Universal, 18 April 2007.

15 – Detención de Oscar Orlando Nava Valencia, EL LOBO, líder de la Organización delictiva Los Valencia, Mexico Ministry of Defense, 30 October 2009.

16 – Lemus, J. Jesús, El licenciado: García Luna, Calderón y el narco, HarperCollins, 2020.

17 – Marley, David F., Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Bloomsbury, 2019.

18 – Narra El Molca división del Cártel del Milenio, YouTube, Grupo Reforma, 13 September 2012.

19 – Mexican Drug War Update: Indistinct Battle Lines, Stratfor, 16 April 2012.

20 – Tello, Anel, ¿Quién es Erick Valencia Salazar? El líder del CJNG que podría ser el próximo extraditado a EU, Milenio, 27 February 2024.

21 – Marley, David F., Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Bloomsbury, 2019.

22 – Finnegan, William, The Kingpins, New Yorker, 25 June 2012.

23 – Knights Templar Profile, InSight Crime, 5 May 2020.

24 – Olmos, José Gil, La verdadera historia de los Vallejo, Proceso, 29 July 2014.

25 – Las alianzas criminales del CJNG para expandirse en México, La Silla Rota, 9 October 2019.

26 – Mosso, Rubén, Ligan a ex autodefensa ‘El Abuelo’ Farías al narco en Michoacán, revela Sedena, Milenio, 27 April 2023.

27 – Pérez Caballero, Jesús, How the Jalisco Cartel Evolved with Mexico’s Drug War, InSight Crime, 15 October 2014.

Chapter 2: The CJNG’s Many, Many Wars

1 – Mexico Peace Index 2023, Institute for Economics and Peace, May 2023.

2 –  Los Alemanes, los ‘nuevos’ Zetas que ‘aterrorizan’ a migrantes en San Luis Potosí, El Financiero, 10 April 2023.

3 – CJNG anunció embestida contra Alemanes y policías de San Luis Potosí, El Imparcial de Oaxaca, 29 September 2022.

4 – Mosso, Rubén, Ligan a ex autodefensa ‘El Abuelo’ Farías al narco en Michoacán, revela Sedena, Milenio, 27 April 2023.

5 – Tepalcatepec, médula del crimen organizado, Cambio de Michoacán, 16 August 2023.

6 – Cárteles Unidos Profile, InSight Crime, 25 May 2021.

7 – Nace un nuevo imperio, el “Cartel Mafia Veracruzana”, Periodico Veraz, 18 April 2024.

8 – Dejan restos humanos en Tuxpan; ve García ajuste de cuentas, Reforma, 29 January 2024

9 – Cuerpos abandonados y tiros al aire en la plaza central de Cazones, Veracruz, El País, 19 March 2024.

10 – Cárteles Unidos Profile, InSight Crime, 25 May 2021.

11 – Ferri, Pablo, La crisis de violencia en Michoacán reta la estrategia de seguridad del Gobierno, El País, 14 July 2021.

12 – Gándara, Sugeyra Romina, La expansión del narco, SinEmbargo, 23 December 2021.

13 – Galván, Melissa, Aguililla, Michoacán: el microcosmos de la incursión del crimen organizado, Expansión Política, 23 March 2022.

14 – La estrategia de seguridad en Michoacán (2014-2021), Lantia Intelligence, 31 May 2021.

15 – Ernst, Falko, On the Front Lines of the Hot Land: Mexico’s Incessant Conflict, International Crisis Group, 26 April 2022.

16 – Radwin, Max, Church Leaders in Mexico Struggle to Stem Michoacán Bloodshed, InSight Crime, 31 May 2021.

17 – Nueva presidenta de Aguililla confía en autoridades que desplazaron al CJNG, Infobae, 7 April 2022.

18 – Green, Emily; Hamilton, Keegan, A Mayor Celebrated an End to a Cartel War. Then He Was Killed., VICE News, 14 March 2022. 

19 – Bunker, Robert J.; Sullivan, John P., Weaponized Drones (Aerial Improvised Explosive Devices) Deployed by CJNG in Tepalcatepec, Michoacán, Small Wars Journal, 10 May 2020.

20 – Emboscan a militares con drones, mina y armas de alto poder, Aristegui Noticias, 29 February 2024.

21 – ¿Quiénes son “Los Correa”?, responsables de la masacre en Michoacán, La Silla Rota, 30 March 2022.

22 – Asmann, Parker; Dudley Steven, Is Mexico’s CJNG Pushing the Gulf Cartel From Tamaulipas?, InSight Crime, 17 May 2023.

23 – Martínez, Andrés, Guerra en Tamaulipas es por culpa del CJNG, acusó el Cártel del Golfo en narcomanta  Infobae, 5 July 2023.

24 – La Familia Michoacana Fact Sheet, US Drug Enforcement Administration, October 2009.

25 – Marley, David F., Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Bloomsbury, 2019.

26 – Knights Templar Profile, InSight Crime, 5 May 2020.

27 – Tinoco, Miguel García, El Mencho afianza su poder en Michoacán; lo expulsaron hace tres lustros, Excelsior, 22 May 2017.

28 – La Nueva Familia Michoacana Drug Trafficking Organization, US Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, November 2022.

29 –  Conferencia de prensa del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico Presidency of the Republic, 27 October 2022.

30 – Appleby, Peter, 3 Takeaways From the Return of the Familia Michoacana, InSight Crime, 22 May 2023.

31 – Una nueva amenaza: el CJNG y La Familia Michoacana anuncian su alianza criminal, YouTube, Testigo Directo, 26 August 2023.

32 –  Mexico Peace Index 2023, Institute for Economics and Peace, May 2023.

33 – ¿Quién es ‘La Vaca’?… el narco que aseguró que ‘El Mencho’ estaba muerto y desató la guerra contra el CJNG, Vanguardia, 19 August 2022.

34 – Ibid.

35 – Baranda, Antonio, La detención del capo que ‘encendió’ Colima, Reforma, 19 August 2022.

36 – Ferri, Pablo, La Vaca y su ‘granja’ criminal: historia de un delincuente en la mira, El País, 13 October 2022.

37 – Colima, la Ciudad Más Violenta del Mundo por Segundo Año Consecutivo, Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Pública y la Justicia Penal, 21 February 2024.

38 – Mayen, Baruc, Por qué Colima es la ciudad más violenta del mundo y cómo se relaciona con el narco, Infobae, 22 February 2024.

39 – Asmann, Parker, The Northeast Cartel and Criminal Hegemony in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, InSight Crime, 16 March 2023.

40 – Verduzco, Ana Lucia; Brewer, Stephanie, Kidnapping of Migrants and Asylum Seekers at the Texas-Tamaulipas Border Reaches Intolerable Levels, Washington Office on Latin America, 4 April 2024.

41 – Ibid.

42 –  Asmann, Parker; Dudley Steven, Is Mexico’s CJNG Pushing the Gulf Cartel From Tamaulipas?, InSight Crime, 17 May 2023.

43 – Ejto. Mexicano, FGR, CNI y G.N. detienen a J. Gerardo “N” (a) “El Huevo” presunto líder de la delincuencia organizada en el estado de Tamps., Mexican Ministry of National Defence, 14 March 2022.

44 – Sedena presenta informe de seguridad de Tamaulipas correspondiente a enero, Mexican Presidency of the Republic, 7 March 2024.

45 – Vinculan con el CJNG a hombre ejecutado que conducía un BMW de 2.7 mdp, Proceso, 29 August 2017.

46 – Janowitz, Nathaniel, CJNG Cartel Boss El Mencho’s Bitter Enemy Was Just Arrested in Mexico, VICE News, 6 September 2022.

47 – Mapa del narco en Jalisco: Estos cárteles se disputan la región, El Financiero, 16 August 2023.

48 – Janowitz, Nathaniel, Top Drug Cartel Leader Abducted, Killed Amid Allegations He Was Working With Cops, VICE News, 19 March 2021.

49 – Presunto Cártel de Santa Rosa de Lima reta en video a CJNG para que salga de Guanajuato, Proceso, 18 October 2017.

50 – Arellano, Saúl, Si fuese país, Guanajuato sería de los más violentos del mundo, México Social, 12 February 2021.

51 – Torres, Rubén, Dónde nace el cártel Santa Rosa de Lima, El Economista, 7 February 2019.

52 – Presunto Cártel de Santa Rosa de Lima reta en video a CJNG para que salga de Guanajuato, Proceso, 18 October 2017.

53 – Keeping Oil from the Fire: Tackling Mexico’s Fuel Theft Racket, International Crisis Group, 25 March 2022.

54 – Cártel Santa Rosa de Lima amenaza, directa y nuevamente, a AMLO, La Silla Rota, 20 April 2019.

55 – Sube a 27 cifra de muertos por ataque a anexo, El Sol de Irapuato, 3 July 2020.

56 – López Ponce, Jannet, Con ‘El Marro’ tras las rejas, su cártel se disuelve y sobrevive del narcomenudeo, Milenio, 17 January 2022.

57 – Narra El Molca división del Cártel del Milenio, YouTube, Grupo Reforma, 13 September 2012.

58 – Suárez, Karen, Tijuana turf war: CJNG, Sinaloa Cartel battle for control of US/Mexico border city, Courier Journal, 30 October 2023.

59 – García, Ilse, Tijuana es el centro de una guerra de cárteles, otra vez; las calles se tiñen de sangre, SinEmbargo, 23 October 2016.

60 – Navarro, Israel, Por garitas de Baja California entra 60% del fentanilo a EU, Milenio, 26 November 2022.

61 – Linthicum, Kate; Blakinger, Keri; Sheets, Connor, Mexico says it doesn’t have a fentanyl problem. New data reveal a hidden epidemic, Los Angeles Times, 7 July 2023.

62 -Ravelo, Ricardo, Narcotráfico: La disputa por Baja California, SinEmbargo, 7 September 2023.

63 – Dalby, Chris, The Horrors of Zacatecas Could Happen Anywhere in Mexico, InSight Crime, 10 January 2022.

64 – Cártel deja narcomantas en 17 municipios de Zacatecas, Zacatecas Online, 12 April 2020.

65 – Plan de seguridad en Zacatecas: alistan más de mil 900 militares ante ola de violencia, El Sol de Zacatecas, 24 November 2021.

66 – Grillo, Ioan, How Cartels Invaded Chiapas, CrashOut Media, 20 December 2023.

67 – Ibid.

68 – Fregoso, Juliana, “El Talibán”, el misterioso capo mexicano que, de Los Zetas, creó un violento cártel, SinEmbargo, 16 August 2021.

69 – Ibid.

70 – López-Castro, Fernanda, ¿Quiénes son Los Talibanes, los aliados del Cártel de Sinaloa que enfrentan al CJNG en Zacatecas?, Infobae, 13 October 2023.

71 – Ibid.

72 – Old school Zetas aligning with Renegade Gulf Cartel Members, Borderland Beat, 29 February 2016.

73 – Así fue la masacre de Minatitlán, Notimex, 20 April 2019. 

74 – Dalby, Chris, Cyclones, Scorpions and Old School Killers – The War for Tamaulipas, InSight Crime, 6 October 2021.

1 – Osorno, Diego, La Guerra de los Zetas, Grijalbo, 2013.

2 – Parra, M. Alejandra, Sociedad Civil, Movimiento Zapatista y Conflicto en Chiapas, CLACSO, 2002. 

3 – Sobre el PFCRN y la ofensiva militar del gobierno, Zapatista Army of National Liberation, 11 January 1994.

4 – Réyez, José, El imperio del Lazca durante el foxismo, Contralínea, 6 September 2009.

5 – Dudley, Steven, The Zetas in Guatemala, InSight Crime, 8 September 2011.

6 – Turati, Marcela, San Fernando. Última parada. Viaje al crimen autorizado en Tamaulipas, PRH Grupo Editorial, 2023.

7 – Surge grupo “Mata Zetas”; dice estar en contra del secuestro y la extorsión, Proceso, 18 June 2009.

8 – Graban en video ejecución de Zeta, El Universal, 25 March 2010.

9 – Martínez-Amador, David, The ‘Zeta Killers’ and the Rise of Narco-Horror, InSight Crime, 29 September 2011.

1 – Quién es Nemesio Oseguera Ramos ‘El Mencho’, fundador y líder del CJNG?, El Financiero, 10 August 2022.

2 – Bonello, Deborah, Mexico Is Punishing Narca Boss ‘La Jefa’ for Her Dodgy Car Wash Transactions, VICE News, 20 December 2023.

3 – Eells, Josh, The Brutal Rise of El Mencho, Rolling Stone, 11 July 2017.

4 – Cómo era la vida de la hija de “El Mencho” en California antes de ser arrestada, Infobae, 10 March 2020.

5 – Ponicki, William R., et al, Exploring the Spread of Methamphetamine Problems within California, 1980 to 2006, GeoJournal, August 2011.

6 – Eells, Josh, The Brutal Rise of El Mencho, Rolling Stone, 11 July 2017.

7 – Profile of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias ‘El Mencho’, InSight Crime, 21 May 2019.

8 – Ibid.

9 – ‘El Mencho’, de sicario a líder del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, Milenio, 12 June 2020.

10 – Tinoco, Miguel García, Esta es la historia del CJNG… todo inició en Michoacán, Excelsior, 10 August 2022. 

11 – Detención de Oscar Orlando Nava Valencia, EL LOBO, líder de la Organización delictiva Los Valencia, Mexico Ministry of Defense, 30 October 2009.

12 – Tinoco, Miguel García, Esta es la historia del CJNG… todo inició en Michoacán, Excelsior, 10 August 2022. 

13 – Martínez, Jorge, ‘El Mencho’ y la traición a su socio que lo llevó a liderar el CJNG, Milenio, 6 September 2022. 

14 – El origen del CJNG, una historia de traiciones, La Silla Rota, 3 April 2019.

15 – De socios a enemigos: el lazo que hubo entre el CJNG y el Cártel de Sinaloa, Infobae, 29 August 2020.

16 – Wells, Miriam, Jalisco Cartel Announces ‘Cleansing’ of Mexican State, InSight Crime, 20 September 2013.

17 – Mexico Security Memo: Narcomantas and Body Dumps, Stratfor, 23 May 2012.

18 – Hallan los cuerpos de tres hombres en Morelia, Michoacán, YouTube, Imagen Noticias, 11 February 2014. 

19 – Hamilton, Keegan, El Mencho’s Son Reconsiders Plea Deal After Family Lawyer Shows Up at Last Minute, VICE News, 13 April 2023.

20 – Treasury Sanctions Two Major Mexican Drug Organizations and Two of Their Leaders, US Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, 8 April 2015.

21 – Gagne, David, Bloody Attack on Police in Mexico Raises Jalisco Cartel’s Profile, InSight Crime, 8 April 2015.

22 – Sullivan, John P.; Bunker, Robert J., Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #25: Ambush Kills 15; Injures 5 Police in Jalisco, Small Wars Journal, 16 July 2015.

23 – Tuckman, Jo, Mexico declares all-out war after rising drug cartel downs military helicopter, The Guardian, 4 May 2015.

24 – Caballero, Jesús Pérez, Losing the Fight Against Mexico’s Jalisco Cartel, InSight Crime, 21 May 2015.

25 – Nájar, Alberto; Paullier, Juan, Lo que se sabe de la investigación por la fuga de “El Chapo” Guzmán, BBC News, 14 July 2015.

26 – Alder, Dan, What to Say When Mexico’s Biggest Drug Lord Calls? ‘Yes Sir’, InSight Crime, 9 September 2016.

27 – ¿La voz de El Mencho?: El líder del CJNG utilizó las redes para mandar contundente mensaje, YouTube, Noticias Debate, 7 June 2023.

28 – Agren, David, ‘The only two powerful cartels left’: rivals clash in Mexico’s murder capital, The Guardian, 28 November 2016.

29 – Nemesio Oseguera-Cervantes, US Drug Enforcement Administration, September 2019.

30 – Comunicado 873/18. Ofrece PGR recompensa de 30 millones de pesos por información que conduzca a la detención de Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, Mexico Prosecutor General’s Office, 15 August 2018.

1 – Esquivel, J. Jesús, Se hacen visibles Los Cuinis, el cártel más rico del mundo, Proceso, 11 April 2015. 

2 – Marley, David F., Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Bloomsbury, 2019.

3 – Eells, Josh, The Brutal Rise of El Mencho, Rolling Stone, 11 July 2017.

4 – En los 90 EU apresó al ‘Mencho’ y al ‘Cuini’… pero los dejó ir, Milenio, 2 May 2015.

5 – Marley, David F., Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Bloomsbury, 2019.

6 – La caída del Hotelito Desconocido, Reporte Indigo, 25 January 2017.

7 – Major financial sanctions announced against Mexico’s largest drug cartel, US Drug Enforcement Administration, 17 May 2019.

8 – CJNG & Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organizations, US Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, October 2016.

9 – Powerful Mexican criminal syndicates attempt to develop their European drugs business, Europol, 12 April 2013.

10 – Pachico, Elyssa, Tracking the Sinaloa Federation’s International Presence, InSight Crime, 30 April 2013.

11 – García, Dennis A., Los Cuinis, el clan que maneja las finanzas del cártel de Jalisco, La Jornada, 28 June 2018.

12 – Confiscan en Barcelona el mayor alijo de metanfetamina de Europa, con 131 kilos ocultos en piñas, EFE, 19 November 2014.

13 – Esquivel, J. Jesús, Se hacen visibles Los Cuinis, el cártel más rico del mundo, Proceso, 11 April 2015. 

14 – McCarthy-Jones, Andrea; Baldino, Daniel, Mexican drug cartels and their Australian connections: tracking and disrupting dark networks, The University of Notre Dame Australia, 2016.

15 – Pérez, Luis Alonso, Mexico’s Jalisco Cartel – New Generation: From Extinction to World Domination, InSight Crime, 26 December 2016.

16 – Un estudio uruguayo obtuvo a través de Mossack Fonseca sociedades para supuestos narcos mexicanos con residencia en Punta del Este, Búsqueda, 14 April 2016.

17 – Ceruse, Agustín, CJNG en Argentina; lejos de la cocaína, cerca de los dólares, Milenio, 12 March 2020.

18 – Castro, Daniela; Amado, Guilherme; Fernandez Nelfi, The Flight and Capture of a Cartel Man, OCCRP, 1 July 2019.

19 – López Ponce,Jannet; Vela, Gaspar, UIF bloqueó 10 mil cuentas del CJNG con Rosalinda frente a finanzas del cártel, Milenio, 17 November 2021.

20 – Treasury Sanctions Individuals Supporting Powerful Mexico-Based Drug Cartels, US Department of the Treasury, 27 October 2016.

21 – Daughter of Notorious Mexican Cartel Leader Sentenced for Criminal Violation of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, US Department of Justice, 11 June 2021.

22 – Póquer de amparos al CJNG, Zeta Tijuana, 5 November 2018.

23 – Hamilton, Keegan, El Mencho’s Son Reconsiders Plea Deal After Family Lawyer Shows Up at Last Minute, VICE News, 13 April 2023.

1 – ¿Quién es ‘La Vaca’?… el narco que aseguró que ‘El Mencho’ estaba muerto y desató la guerra contra el CJNG, Vanguardia, 19 August 2022.

2 – Tello, Anel, Juan Carlos Valencia González: el hijo de la esposa del ‘Mencho’ que encabeza el Grupo Élite del CJNG, Milenio, 20 February 2024.

3 – Ibid.

4 – Reward Offered for Mexican National Indicted for International Cocaine and Methamphetamine Trafficking Charges, US Department of Justice, 2 December 2021.

5 – Juan Carlos Valencia González, US Department of State, 1 December 2021.

6 – Grande, Pamela, ¿Quién es Juan Carlos Valencia González, el hijastro del Mencho?, SDP Noticias, 10 August 2022. 

7 – Reward Offered for Mexican National Indicted for International Cocaine and Methamphetamine Trafficking Charges, US Department of Justice, 2 December 2021.

8 – Baldenea, Jesús, ‘Grupo Élite’: qué dice el narcocorrido del brazo armado del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, Infobae, 18 April 2024.

9 – El R-R, YouTube, Grupo Marca Registrada, 17 May 2021.

10 – Espino, Manuel, ¿Quién es “El Jardinero”, sucesor de “El Mencho” con múltiples apodos, detenciones y liberaciones?, El Universal, 23 November 2023.

11 – Audias Flores-Silva, US Department of State, 13 April 2021.

12 – $5M reward offered for information leading to arrest, conviction of major Mexican drug cartel member, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 15 April 2021.

13 – Autoridades capturan y luego liberan a líderes del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, La Lista, 27 October 2022.

14 – Chaparro, Luis, How One of Mexico’s Biggest Cartels Is Bloodying Up Your Margaritas, VICE News, 23 October 2023.

15 – Audias Flores-Silva, US Department of State, 13 April 2021.

16 – Esto sabemos del operativo de la Marina en Cima Park, Zapopan, contra líder del CJNG, YouTube, Milenio, 23 November 2023.

17 – Espino, Manuel, Marina va contra “El Jardinero”, líder del CJNG que vivía con imagen de coleccionista de arte, El Universal, 23 November 2023.

18 – Prendido, Sol, Bloody Gifts: CJNG Hands Out Gifts To Children, Borderland Beat, 24 December 2022.

19 – El ‘RR’, líder del CJNG y presunto responsable de la entrega de juguetes en Jalisco, El Financiero, 26 December 2022.

20 – Ibid.

21 – Del ‘Mencho’ al ‘Doble R’, ¿quiénes son los líderes del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación más buscados?, El Financiero, 14 February 2024.

22 – Conferencia de prensa del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico Presidency of the Republic, 12 August 2022

23 – El “Sapo”: la UIF bloqueó las cuentas ligadas a Gonzalo Mendoza, el líder criminal del CJNG más buscado en México, Infobae, 31 March 2021.

24 – Major financial sanctions announced against Mexico’s largest drug cartel investigated by DEA Los Angeles, US Drug Enforcement Administration, 17 May 2019.

25 – ¿Quién es Gonzalo Mendoza ‘el Sapo’, que estaría ligado a la desaparición de 5 jóvenes en Jalisco?, El Financiero, 18 August 2023.

26 – A un año del asesinato de Aristóteles Sandoval, crimen sigue impune, Milenio, 17 December 2021.

27 – ¿Quién es Gonzalo Mendoza, “el Sapo”? Integrante del CJNG y responsable de la desaparición de jóvenes en Lagos de Moreno, SDP Noticias, 19 August 2023.

28 – Plaza Vallarta | Chapter 3: The Tiger King, Cartel Insider, 9 April 2024.

1 – Brunat, David, Este es el cártel más rico del mundo, dueño de las drogas en Europa y nadie lo conoce, El Confidencial, 30 April 2015.


2 – Rotella, Sebastian; Berg, Kirsten, How a Chinese American Gangster Transformed Money Laundering for Drug Cartels, ProPublica, 11 October 2022. 


3 – Justice, Treasury, and State Departments announce coordinated enforcement efforts against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, US Drug Enforcement Administration, 16 October 2018. 


4 – Vera, Carmen Libertad, Lo que quedó de un paraíso del narcolavado, VICE News, 29 November 2016.


5 – Kingpin Act Designations, US Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, 19 August 2015.


6 – Treasury Sanctions Business Network of the Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organization, US Department of the Treasury, 19 August 2015.


7 – Herrera, Luis, Los negocios de Jalisco cooptados por el CJNG, Reporte Indigo, 20 April 2020. 


8 – DEA-led operation nets more than 600 arrests targeting Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, US Drug Enforcement Administration, 11 March 2020.


9 – Pasquali, Valentina, Professional Money Launderers Fuel Growth of Mexico’s Jalisco New Generation Cartel: DEA, Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists, 13 April 2020.


10 – Buch, Jason, Mom-and-Pop Stores: Perfect Money Laundering Vehicles on US-Mexico Border, InSight Crime, 15 March 2022.


 11 – Treasury Sanctions Individuals Linked to CJNG’s Arms Trafficking, Fuel Theft, and Money Laundering, US Department of the Treasury, 6 June 2023.


12 – Ibid.


13 – How an Argentine Taxi Driver Met Los Cuinis/CJNG Leader, Borderland Beat, 15 May 2019.


14 – LaSusa, Mike, Mexico Cartel Suspect Named in Panama Papers Arrested in Uruguay, InSight Crime, 25 April 2016.


16 –  Castro, Daniela; Amado, Guilherme; Fernandez Nelfi, The Flight and Capture of a Cartel Man, OCCRP, 1 July 2019.


17 – Ibid.


18 – Brunat, David, Este es el cártel más rico del mundo, dueño de las drogas en Europa y nadie lo conoce, El Confidencial, 30 April 2015.


19 – Jorgic, Drazen, Burner phones and banking apps – Meet the Chinese ‘brokers’ laundering Mexican drug money, Reuters, 3 December 2020.


20 – Chinese National Guilty of Laundering Millions for Mexican Drug Cartels, US Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs, 29 June 2020.


21 –  Rotella, Sebastian; Berg, Kirsten, How a Chinese American Gangster Transformed Money Laundering for Drug Cartels, ProPublica, 11 October 2022. 


22 – Ibid.


23 – United States vs. Xizhi Li, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 2 August 2021.


24 – 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment, US Drug Enforcement Administration, November 2016.


25 – Oré, Diego, Latin American crime cartels turn to cryptocurrencies for money laundering, Reuters, 8 December 2020.


26 – Balderas, Óscar, Hydra Market, el mercado negro más grande del mundo, MVS Noticias, 4 June 2022.


27 – Helms, Claudia, Cryptocurrencies: A Financial Crime Risk within Latin America and the Caribbean, Global Financial Integrity, 14 November 2022. 

1Bunker, Robert, Mexican Cartel Use of Social Media, Global Network on Extremism & Technology, 23 March 2021.

2 – Dalby, Chris, GameChangers 2022: How the Chapitos Became Hyper-Capitalist Narcos, InSight Crime, 23 December 2022.

3 – Así fue la caída del helicóptero atacado por el cártel de Jalisco, Expansión, 5 May 2015.

4García Harfuch, Omar [OHarfuch], “Esta mañana fuimos cobardemente atacados por el CJNG, dos compañeros y amigos míos perdieron la vida, tengo tres impactos de bala y varias esquirlas,” X, 26 June 2020. 


5 – Muestra ‘El Mencho’ poderío, YouTube, Grupo Reforma, 18 July 2020.


6 – Dittmar, Victoria, No More Masks – Jalisco Cartel Members Reveal Their Faces, InSight Crime, 8 July 2021.

7 – A nombre de El Mencho y el CJNG reparten enseres domésticos por el Día de las madres, Proceso, 11 May 2021.

8 – Obscuro (LatamObscuro), “The Jalisco New Generation Cartel announced an incursion into the #Teotihuacán Valley of the State of Mexico through a video communique that began circulating online around October 6th…” X, 10 October 2023.


9 – Niñas, niños y adolescentes reclutados por la delincuencia organizada, Reinserta, October 2023.

10 – León, Stephanie, Este es el modus operandi del CJNG para reclutar adolescentes a través de Facebook e Instagram, Vanguardia, 6 January 2024.

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22 – Ibid.


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32 – DEA-led operation nets more than 600 arrests targeting Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, US Drug Enforcement Administration, 11 March 2020.


33 – Decomisos de mortal fentanilo en México crecen un 486% en 2020, Reuters, 21 December 2020.


34 – Treasury Works with Government of Mexico to Sanction CJNG Members Operating Through the Port of Manzanillo, US Department of the Treasury, 6 October 2021.


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54 – United States vs. Javier Algredo Vazquez (21-CR-597), United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 2 November 2023.


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1 – Ornelas, Ruth G., Organized Crime in Michoacán: Rent-Seeking Activities in the Avocado Export Market, Politics & Policy, 22 October 2018.


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5 – Ibid.


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23 – Crimen organizado deja a Celaya sin tortillas, El Universal, 7 August 2019.


24 – FGE/271/2020 – Fiscalía General del Estado esclarece el artero ataque a un anexo en Irapuato, Guanajuato Attorney General’s Office, 6 July 2020.

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28 – Felbab-Brown, Vanda, Organized crime is taking over Mexican fisheries, Brookings Institution, 21 February 2022.


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31 – Felbab-Brown, Vanda, China-linked wildlife poaching and trafficking in Mexico, Brookings Institution, March 2022.


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33 – Felbab-Brown, Vanda, Organized crime is taking over Mexican fisheries, Brookings Institution, 21 February 2022.


34 – Bonello, Deborah, How Drug Cartels Moved into Illegal Logging in Mexico, InSight Crime, 18 September 2020.


35 – At What Cost?, Global Witness, 24 July 2018.


36 – Bernier-Chen, Kai, Avocados In, Butterflies Out – How Illegal Logging is Devastating Western Mexico, InSight Crime, 10 November 2021.


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38 – Mukpo, Ashoka, Asylum-seekers Stranded in Mexico Face Homelessness, Kidnapping, and Sexual Violence, American Civil Liberties Union, 14 October 2019.


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41 – Abi-Habib, Maria, A Mexican Drug Cartel’s New Target? Seniors and Their Timeshares, New York Times, 21 March 2024.


42 – Ibid.

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1 – Vela Gaspar, Unión Tepito y Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación ya operan juntos en Edomex, Milenio, 19 September 2022.

2 – Cártel deja narcomantas en 17 municipios de Zacatecas, Zacatecas Online, 12 April 2020.


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4 – Brito, Jamie Luis, Morelos ya tiene dueño y es el señor Mencho”, advierte CJNG a otros cárteles y políticos, Proceso, 12 January 2023.


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6 – Grillo, Ioan, How Cartels Invaded Chiapas, CrashOut Media, 20 December 2023.

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11 – Grillo, Ioan, How Cartels Invaded Chiapas, CrashOut Media, 20 December 2023.

12 – Arista, Lidia, La pelea por el puerto de Manzanillo sume a Colima en otra ola de violencia, Expansión, 9 March 2022.


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14 – Shuldiner, Henry, Mexico Drone Attacks Spike After CJNG, Familia Michoacana Alliance, InSight Crime, 22 May 2023.

15 – Hidalgo: Grupo Pantera Announces a Purge, Borderland Beat, 15 December 2022.


16 – Abi-Habib, Maria, A Mexican Drug Cartel’s New Target? Seniors and Their Timeshares, New York Times, 21 March 2024.

17 – García Harfuch, Omar [OHarfuch], “Esta mañana fuimos cobardemente atacados por el CJNG, dos compañeros y amigos míos perdieron la vida, tengo tres impactos de bala y varias esquirlas,” X, 26 June 2020.

18 – Le Cour Grandmaison, Romain, and Frissard Martinez, Paul. Violent and Vibrant – Mexico’s Avocado Boom and Organized Crime. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, January 2024.

19 – Brito, Jamie Luis, Morelos ya tiene dueño y es el señor Mencho”, advierte CJNG a otros cárteles y políticos, Proceso, 12 January 2023.

20 – Treasury Works with Government of Mexico Against Perpetrators of Corruption and their Networks, US Department of the Treasury, 17 May 2019.

21 – Former Mexican State Attorney General Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Participation in International Narcotics Distribution Conspiracy, United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of New York, 26 September 2019.


22 – Abi-Habib, Maria, A Mexican Drug Cartel’s New Target? Seniors and Their Timeshares, New York Times, 21 March 2024.

23 – “Vamos a tomar todo el estado”: aparecen 11 narcomantas del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación en Monterrey, Aristegui Noticias, 11 June 2019.


24 – El origen de “Los Metros”, la célula del cártel del Golfo aliados del CJNG, La Silla Rota, 24 September 2019.

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26 – Rueda, Arturo, El sangriento debut en Puebla del CJNG, Diario Cambio, 6 November 2017.


27 – Cruz Cortés, Daniel, Falso que cártel haya amagado con ‘limpia’ de delincuentes en Texmelucan: gobernador, El Sol de Puebla, 23 February 2023.


28 – Querétaro: el refugio de los líderes de los cárteles del narcotráfico, La Silla Rota, 8 May 2015.


29 – Asmann, Parker, Is the Jalisco Cartel Winning the Battle for Mexico’s Caribbean?, InSight Crime, 11 July 2019


30 – Fisher, Steve, ‘Like an addiction’: Thousands of Americans fall prey to Mexican cartel timeshare scam, USA Today, 22 February 2024.

31 – Dittmar, Victoria, The Three Criminal Fronts Sparking Violence in Sonora, Mexico, InSight Crime, 7 January 2022.

32 – Vela Gaspar, Unión Tepito y Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación ya operan juntos en Edomex, Milenio, 19 September 2022.


33 – Ravelo, Ricardo, Edomex: El poder de la Familia Michoacana, SinEmbargo, 14 December 2023.

34 – El CJNG anuncia una “limpia” en Tabasco; se deslinda del grupo criminal La Barredora, Excelsior, 5 February 2024.


35 – Asmann, Parker; Dudley, Steven, Is Mexico’s CJNG Pushing the Gulf Cartel From Tamaulipas?


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37 – Appleby, Peter, State Officials Targeted as CJNG, Sinaloa Cartel Clash in Zacatecas, Mexico, InSight Crime, 7 December 2022. 

1 – Forty-One Individuals Charged in Massive Poly-Drug Indictment Linked to Cartel, US Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs, 1 April 2024.


2 – Abrahams, Tom, 41 charged in drug trafficking ring linked to Mexican cartel, US officials say, ABC Chicago, 1 April 2024.


3 – Felbab-Brown, Vanda, The foreign policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG – Part I: In the Americas, Brookings Institution, 22 July 2022.


4 – Papadovassilakis, Alex, The Jalisco Cartel’s Quiet Expansion in Guatemala, InSight Crime, 18 May 2022.


5 – Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski Delivers Remarks at the Project Python Press Conference, US Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs, 11 March 2020.


6 – 2019 National Drug Threat Assessment, US Drug Enforcement Administration, December 2019.


7 – Warren, Beth, A ruthless Mexican drug lord’s empire is devastating families with its grip on small-town USA, Louisville Courier-Journal, 24 November 2019.


8 – Warren, Beth, ‘That level of violence is terrifying’: Mexican cartel targets tranquil Puget Sound city, Louisville Courier-Journal, 10 February 2024.


9 – Ibid.


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11 – Pasquali, Valentina, Professional Money Launderers Fuel Growth of Mexico’s Jalisco New Generation Cartel: DEA, Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists, 13 April 2020.


12 – Buch, Jason, Mom-and-Pop Stores: Perfect Money Laundering Vehicles on US-Mexico Border, InSight Crime, 15 March 2022.


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14 – Torchinsky, Rina, The Biden administration is regulating ‘ghost guns.’ Here’s what the rule does, NPR, 12 April 2022. 


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17 – Edwards, Peter; Nájera, Luis, The Wolfpack. The Millennial Mobsters Who Brought Chaos and the Cartels to the Canadian Underworld, 2021, Random House.


18 – Ibid.


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20 – Ibid. 


21 – Rojas, Juan, Mexican Cartels Bolster Foothold and Alliances in Colombia, Diálogo Americas, 21 March 2023. 


22 – Acosta, Luis Jaime, Pushing productive coca seeds, Mexican cartels reshape Colombia’s drug industry, Reuters, 9 May 2022.


23 – Las delaciones en el CJNG, Zeta Tijuana, 8 July 2019.


24 – From Terrorist Organizations to Cocaine Groups In Colombia: is Eln the Next?, Small Wars Journal, 15 August 2023.


25 – Bargent, James, Ecuador: A Cocaine Superhighway to the US and Europe, InSight Crime, 30 October 2019.


26 – Shuldiner, Henry, Ecuador’s ‘Most Wanted’ Criminal Captured in Colombia, InSight Crime, 17 February 2023.


27 – Holwill, Richard, How to Understand Ecuador’s War on Gangs, Foreign Policy, 13 March 2024.


28 – Treasury Sanctions Major Ecuadorian and Mexican Narcotics Traffickers With Ties to the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG, US Department of the Treasury, 10 February 2022.


29 – Así funciona la ‘unión’ de Tiguerones y Lobos con carteles mexicanos y la mafia albanesa, Primicias, 10 October 2023.


30 – Andrade, Carolina, et al, Ecuador’s Crime Wave and Its Albanian Connection, Americas Quarterly, 12 April 2023.


31 – Papadovassilakis, Alex, The Jalisco Cartel’s Quiet Expansion in Guatemala, InSight Crime, 18 May 2022. 


32 – Treasury Sanctions Guatemala’s Los Huistas Drug Trafficking Organization With Ties To Mexican Cartels, US Department of the Treasury, 18 March 2022. 


33 – Papadovassilakis, Alex, The Jalisco Cartel’s Quiet Expansion in Guatemala, InSight Crime, 18 May 2022. 


34 – Chaparro, Luis, A Ruthless Mexican Cartel Opened Fire on Guatemala’s Presidential Convoy, VICE News, 1 August 2022. 


35 – Gobernación explica sobre la circular que alerta del posible ingreso del CJNG a municipios fronterizos de Guatemalad, EFE, 26 September 2023.

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